Safe Deposit Time,
Keep your valuables safe
Digital Asset Management: Transfer and Inheritance Through Timecapsule
Using 100% Decentralized Blockchain
Safe Storage and Transfer of Information with Timecapsule
Store and forward private letters and important reminders.
You can store messages, photos, drawings, and writings that you want to leave behind.
Controlled Disclosure
Information becomes accessible to designated recipients after a specific
time period, ranging from one day up to a hundred years, and can be
disclosed to anyone from a single individual to everyone
Flexible Options
Choose from various delivery options such as email, phone, or text message.
Set up a password for Timecapsule
recipients who receive the password can access the contents at any time
Implement a two-step verification added security.
Standard electronic documents can be stored simply by scanning.
For specific documents, complete necessary legal procedures in advance (e.g., notarization, attorney signatures)
Setting Release Conditions for Your Timecapsule
Choose one of the following preset options which cannot be changed later
1. Release at any time if desired.
2. Release with a penalty.
3. No release under any circumstances.
Self-Expanding and Self-Activating Lucky-Draw
Timecapsule Snowball (TSB) Service
Affordable and High-Value Coin
1. Easily Approachable Coin with Rising Value Potential
As the price of this coin increases, so does the reward potential
2. If this coin reaches just 1% of Ethereum's market cap, it could self-expand to surpass Bitcoin’s market cap
# Bitcoin 1,000 trillion
# Ethereum 500 trillion
# Upon listing, NeoPin aims for a market cap of 20 trillion (currently at 9 trillion)
Neowiz has two listed companies valued at under 1 trillion each
Expected Rise in Coin Price
As the rewards accumulate in a small number
of wallets, the desire to buy the coin increases,
which in turn boosts promotion efforts.
This cycle of increasing demand and promotion
is expected to snowball, leading to a
significant rise in the coin's price.

Our coin serves as an effective prize or gift in various events on apps, websites, and online stores. Additionally, we offer services that allow you to exchange this coin for points or miles, adding even more value.
Weekly Lottery Draws for Timecapsule Users
For those using our Timecapsule, we hold a lottery draw three times a week. The draws are conducted in a set order below.
Timecapsule Service Fee and Airdrop Pool Contributions
Every Saturday at 11 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST), 0.1% of your coins are automatically contributed as a service fee to use Timecapsule. This fee is directly added to the lottery airdrop pool each week.
Lottery Number Allocation and Winning Wallet Selection
For every 10 coins held, one lottery number is assigned to your wallet. Draws take place three times a week—Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 12 PM Korea Standard Time (KST), or 1 PM KST when daylight saving time ends. The winning wallet is determined using numbers from well-known international lotteries such as Powerball, Mega Millions, EuroJackpot, among others, or through a selection from our own random numbers.
High Rewards and Return Rates
While famous global lotteries typically return only about 40% to 60% of earnings to players, our Snowball Airdrop offers a much higher rate. It includes 100% of the Timecapsule service fees plus a bonus: an additional 1% of all mined coins accumulates and is then airdropped to the winners.
Accumulation of Airdrop Pool Prizes
The accumulated coins in the airdrop pool are distributed as follows: the first-place winner receives half of the coins accumulated each week, plus any previously accumulated coins. The runners-up, from second to sixth place, share the remaining half. Any unclaimed prizes roll over to increase the first-place prize in the next draw.
Creating Coin Value
All unclaimed Time coins accumulate over time. This means that winners could potentially receive coins worth billions, making these coins highly valuable and sought after. As the value increases, these coins could become challenging to purchase due to their desirability and limited availability.
Customer Reviews
Awesome product. Highly recommended!
I love the Time Capsule. It's a great way to keep my valuables safe.
Winning the 4560 Million was a life-changing experience. Thank you, Time Capsule!
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